Arizona Unemployment a Predictor of Bankruptcy Increase

Vector Launch developed rockets at a facility in Tucson, Arizona. Vector Launch, Inc., based in Tucson, has suspended its development of rockets to launch small satellites. The bankruptcy plan is to sell some assets to Lockheed Martin Corp. (an aerospace company), then auction the rest. Vector’s board agreed to a loan provided by Lockheed Martin as well as Lockheed’s purchase of the GalacticSky assets. This chapter 11 bankruptcy may save the business but if agreements cannot be made with it’s creditors, it may be the end of the line for the company.
In response to a management shift and change in financing, the Tucson-based small satellite startup company, Vector Launch Inc. will stop most operations.
Vector, a small-launch vehicle company in Tucson, Arizona, filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December, 2019. At one time a leading company in the small launch vehicle market, Vector paused operation for a “significant change in financing” and a lay off of almost all its employees. Vector will hope to reorganize under the Chapter 11 bankruptcy provisions.
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a bankruptcy designed for businesses who want to re-organize their debt and continue business as they reorganize and it gives them time to pay their creditors over time. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is the 3rd most popular form of bankruptcy in Tucson based on the Pima County Bankruptcy filings for 2019.
A financial summary reportedly puts Vector’s assets between 10 and 50 million dollars and its debt between 1 and 10 million dollars. With a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the debtor devises a plan to repay creditors, while they are protected from legal debt collection actions. Vector was founded in 2016 by Jim Cantrell, a veteran of Space X (Elon Musk), has been backed by major venture-capital firms investors. Approximately 50-70 Tucson employees are expected to enter the world of unemployment due to the Vector Launch misfortune. Cantrell was replaced as CEO of the company by John Garvey earlier in 2019.
Federal minimum wage was created in 1938. Since 1938, the minimum-wage has increased from $.25 to $7.25. Congress holds the power to set the federal minimum wage. For the longest time in history, (in over 10 years) Congress has not raised the wage. The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. The Congressional budget office is evaluating the impact of increasing the federal minimum wage further. A new report considers what the impact in our country would be if the federal minimum wage was raised to $15 an hour (by the year 2025).
Raising the minimum wage is an issue that spars heated debate. A reported it 27 million people would benefit from the increase in pay. Getting paid more as inflation increases sounds like a good idea. However, there are arguments for and against raising minimum-wage to $15.00. Some critics opposed to raging raising the minimum wage say employees would actually lose their jobs because employers would not be able to afford paying that wage increase. Currently it is uncertain that the increase in the wage would have an effect on employment.
The current minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 per hour. A survey reveals that 55% of registered voters would be in favor of raising minimum-wage to $15. While Inflation in our nation is holding steady, the purchasing power of the $7.25 minimum wage has declined over the past 10 years. With a purchasing power decrease at the current minimum wage of $7.25, full-time minimum wage workers experience a $3000 loss and annual earnings.
Here is another way to look at this: in 1968, buying power reached its peak, and minimum-wage lost 31% in purchasing power. When all this is taken into consideration, in effect, minimum-wage workers “earn” approximately $6800 less than they would have earned in 1968 (in 1968 the minimum wage was $1.60). The impact on the federal budget and raising the wage even to 10 or $12 is not clear. Yes, raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour would boost pay for almost 17,000,000 workers. On the other hand, there are legitimate concerns that possibly 1.3 million workers will lose their jobs as a result of increase in minimum wage.
An unexpected cold front has led to a rare snowfall in Southern Arizona this week. Areas such as Scottsdale, Goodyear, and Tucson saw the unexpected snowfall while in northern Arizona Flagstaff broke a record set in 1915 with an astounding 31 inches of snow in a single day. Would you be prepared if an unexpected financial burden happened to you?
When an unexpected change in income occurs, people often have to rely on their credit cards
to make up the difference. This does not mean that they are irresponsibly charging. Credit cards are often used in emergency situations as well such as home or car repairs. Credit cards can be a great backup plan as long as they are used responsibly and payments are made on time.
A Harvard University study recently found that over-spending barely breaks into the top 10 reasons that lead to a person filing for bankruptcy. Medical Debt was the number one reason that a person files for bankruptcy. According to the study, medical debts lead to over 60% of bankruptcy filings. This number also includes those who have some sort of medical insurance. Unexpected medical procedures and things like a heart attack can lead to thousands upon thousands of dollars of debt.
The truth is that it is not your fault! Bankruptcy was established by law to provide debt relief to those who need it, and it is a valuable financial tool. Here are a few things you can do to move past the stigma and get over your guilt surrounding the idea of filing for bankruptcy:
There are many myths surrounding bankruptcy that can make you think negatively about it, but your bankruptcy lawyer can help you understand the truth about these myths.
Myth #1: Only irresponsible spending leads to bankruptcy. The truth is that there are a great number of situations that can lead to financial problems. You might lose a job unexpectedly and be unable to find employment. You can burn through your savings and max out your credit cards while you are trying to stay afloat. You could become seriously ill or injured and face the same predicament. Or you could divorce and lose a great deal of income. There are many things that can happen that are beyond your control that lead to bankruptcy.
Myth #2: Only the poor or uneducated file for bankruptcy. You can just look at the news to know that this isn’t true. High-profile billionaires like Donald Trump have filed for bankruptcy several times. Bad things can happen to anyone, regardless of education or status. It is not always bad choices that lead to bankruptcy.
Myth #3: Bankruptcy doesn’t affect a lot of people. In Arizona alone, more than 50,000 people file for bankruptcy every year. Many, many more are in situations that bankruptcy could help but are struggling not to file because of the misconceptions they have about the process.
By understanding the truth about bankruptcy, you can maintain the proper perspective about your filing and let go of that guilt.
Many people put off filing for bankruptcy because they deceive themselves about their financial predicament. They believe that things aren’t that bad, or they tell themselves that they will have the situation under control “soon” by working harder or getting a loan.
When you are honest about your financial situation and how it is impacting your life, you can be objective about the choice to file bankruptcy and know that it is the best solution. You won’t feel guilty about making that choice because you’ll see that it is the best way to handle your finances and will provide the most benefits. You can liken it to taken medicine that you don’t like so that your body will heal.
Bad things happen to even the best people. You can’t control whether a tornado destroys your home and wipes out your savings or whether your spouse gets cancer and medical bills reach into the hundreds of thousands. Even with the best planning and the most fastidious of savings, you won’t be able to come through the other side of some of these situations unscathed.
Forgive yourself for the things that led to your situation that you cannot control, and let go of the guilt you feel. If bad decisions led to your bankruptcy filing, forgive yourself for those, as well. Learn from your mistakes and vow to make better decisions going forward.
Filing for bankruptcy isn’t a way to game the system or “get one over” on your creditors. In fact, there are provisions built into the bankruptcy law to ensure that no one is able to spend prolifically with the idea of discharging it all in bankruptcy.
Accept bankruptcy for what it is: A legal right. The law was designed to protect people like you who are struggling. It is not social welfare — it is a legal way to get out from under crushing debts when you do not have the means to pay for them. That way, your life is not destroyed and you have the chance to start fresh.
Learn more about bankruptcy and how it might help you by calling My AZ Lawyers. Our experienced Tucson bankruptcy lawyers will help you understand the different types of bankruptcy and how each might help you get the debt relief you need. You may be able to completely discharge your unsecured debts, such as credit card balances, or you may be able to get a structured debt repayment plan with lower interest rates. Contact us today to talk with a bankruptcy lawyer and learn about your options.
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My AZ Lawyers
Tucson Location:
2 East Congress St., Suite #900-6A
Tucson, AZ 85701
Office: (520) 441-1450
Many lottery winners thought that they had more money than they would ever need or be able to spend but were surprised to find themselves filing for bankruptcy after a few short years. How can that have happened? How can they have been on top of the world one moment and at the
bottom in such a short time? Here are just a few of the reasons that many lottery winners eventually file for bankruptcy:
If you suddenly had several hundred million dollars, you’d probably do what a lot of other lottery winners have done: Go out and buy a house (or two or three), a few cars, a whole new wardrobe, some pricey jewelry, and some other treats. The problem is that once you start spending like there’s no
bottom, you tend to keep spending like that until you actually find the bottom.
In order to avoid losing it all, you need to set up a financial plan immediately after you learn about your winnings. In fact, you should see a financial advisor, a tax lawyer, and an estate lawyer before you even collecting your winnings. This team will help you establish a spending and investing plan, including how much you will have to spend each month. You may scoff at the idea of a budget when you have so much money, but it is essential to helping you stay on track. The more money you have, the more you’ll spend, unless you put budgetary measures in place.
Right after buying their dream home, the next thought most people have after winning the lottery is to help out their family and friends. They want to buy everyone houses and cars, pay off debts, and pay for college tuition.
While these are certainly noble goals, you can easily lose all your winnings by trying to help out family and friends. Even if you have very specific ideas in mind about who you will help and how, you are likely to be inundated with requests from family and friends that you haven’t even talked to in years. You’ll also likely be subject to numerous requests for hand-outs, even from those you have already helped.
When you consider helping family and friends, you have to think about more than just the cost of the request. Depending on what you give and how much you give, you could end up paying some hefty taxes on the amount. For example, you can typically pay for college tuition tax-free, but you can’t just give someone $1 million in cash without paying tax.
The best thing to do is consult with a tax lawyer and an estate lawyer about how you can help family and friends. You may be able to set up trusts for family or put people on your figurative payroll to help them out. An experienced Arizona attorney can help you understand what’s possible.
The state of Arizona does not allow lottery winners to remain anonymous. You can stay undercover for 90 days after you collect your winnings, but after that, your name becomes a matter of public record. After that, you will inevitably get all kinds of offers for investment and business opportunities that are promised to make you even more money.
Unfortunately, as a lottery winner, you are an easy target. It can be very difficult to distinguish the legitimate offers from the scams. The best way to protect yourself is to work with a team of financial advisors who can put together a sound investing strategy based on your individual goals and tolerance for risk.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t invest in business. But just keep in mind that having money doesn’t suddenly make you a business guru. You need to educate yourself before making any kind of investments, and that may mean getting more education in addition to working with professionals.
Though you may not be able to imagine ever running out of money after winning the lottery, it is still a possibility. You will still need to save for retirement, just like everybody else. You’ll just have the means to save a lot more than others and to do so a lot more quickly.
Here’s where working with the right financial advisor can help. You can learn about savings opportunities in addition to the standard options such as the Roth IRA. Your financial advisor can also help you put together a plan for your health care, including the potential for serious illness.
When you are thinking about retirement, you should also think about your estate planning. Here’s where working with an estate attorney and possibly a tax attorney can help. You will learn about the right trusts and other measures to put in place to maximize what you leave to your family and minimize what you lose in taxes.
Winning the lottery is a dream come true. Don’t let it become a nightmare by losing everything that you gained and find yourself consulting with an attorney on how to file for bankruptcy.
If you do find yourself in financial trouble — whether you have won the lottery or not — My AZ Lawyers can help you find a Tucson bankruptcy attorney who can help you understand bankruptcy law and how it can help you get the fresh financial start you need. Bankruptcy law was established to give people just like you the chance to free yourself of overwhelming debt and to start over. Work with one of our Tucson bankruptcy lawyers to file for bankruptcy or to learn more about your options.
Published By:
My AZ Lawyers
Tucson Location:
2 East Congress St., Suite #900-6A
Tucson, AZ 85701
Office: (520) 441-1450
The idea of filing for bankruptcy in Mesa can be a hard process for many to comprehend. While you do not technically need an attorney in order to file for bankruptcy, there are numerous advantages to having a qualified bankruptcy lawyer. Don’t face declaring bankruptcy without an experienced bankruptcy lawyer by your side.
One of the benefits is that hiring the services of an attorney takes all of the uncertainty out of the process of declaring bankruptcy. It is scary not knowing what will happen with your finances. Being afraid that you may have made a mistake (if filing bankruptcy without an attorney) could make your bankruptcy claim fail, you could lose your home, your assets, and could be held liable for debts that you may have thought you paid off prior. One of the many pitfalls of filing bankruptcy on your own is when bankruptcy filers pay a one creditor and not another. A Bankruptcy Trustee may step in and say that your payment was a “Preferential Payment” and you may have to pay that money back to your bankruptcy estate.
Bankruptcy is a very time consuming process, and having to fill out everything by yourself can be stressful, unnecessary, and sometimes impossible. Hire an attorney from a top rated Mesa bankruptcy law firm to file bankruptcy, who is trained in this field, can help take all of the uncertainty out of the process. The bankruptcy process can be very complex, and trying to fill out all of the forms accurately can be very time consuming and stressful. Having an experienced bankruptcy attorney on your side can sometimes make all the difference in making sure your bankruptcy goes through the bankruptcy courts successfully.
A bankruptcy attorney, like the bankruptcy lawyers at My AZ Lawyers, PLLC can also help you by representing you in court. If you choose to use a Doc Prep or a Document Preparation Company, please be aware that they CAN NOT represent you in court! Document Prep companies advertise for cheap rates but they only provide you with paperwork and little guidance, they will not represent you in court and they are little help to you when facing your 341 Meeting of Creditors or another Bankruptcy Lawyer fighting for your creditors.
Hire an attorney to file bankruptcy so you don’t have to go up against another attorney all by yourself. Your bankruptcy lawyer in Mesa can help you prepare your case. Look for a bankruptcy attorney who will also field all calls from your creditors in the meanwhile, that way you will not be harassed by unwanted calls or badgering bill collectors. Filing bankruptcy is a stressful time, and having to go to court by yourself without a professional can sometimes be nearly impossible. Hire an attorney to file bankruptcy and let him Let us help you find a bankruptcy lawyer that is right for you.
In the long run, hiring an attorney to file bankruptcy can allow you to get on with your life and enjoy your “Fresh Start”. Instead of constantly having to fill out paperwork, go to court, research bankruptcy laws, bankruptcy forms, and dealing with bill collectors and creditors, let your bankruptcy lawyer deal with all of that. Bankruptcy lawyers are there to protect you and your rights. Hire an attorney to file bankruptcy for you today.
Mesa Bankruptcy Lawyers
4065 E University Dr #500
Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 470-0005
Knowing when to file chapter 13 bankruptcy is an important fact to know if you are considering filing for bankruptcy in Tucson, Arizona. When choosing to file for bankruptcy in Tucson, there are 2 main chapters of bankruptcy that most people file. They are chapter 7 bankruptcy and chapter 13 bankruptcy.
When drawing up your chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan, you and your attorney prepare a plan for repayment of your debts with monthly payments that you can afford. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to set up an affordable plan for repaying a portion of your debt to your creditors. The chapter 13 bankruptcy payment plan is customized to your unique situation. It is affordable because you pay your living expenses first, then any remaining income is divided among your creditors.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plans usually last between 3 and 5 years and repay creditors anywhere between 10% – 100% of what is owed for unsecured debt, such as credit cards, medical bills, etc.
Though you can file for chapter 13 bankruptcy without using an experienced chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer, it is definitely not recommended. Even a document preparation company will struggle mightily with a chapter 13 bankruptcy filing. Seek the assistance of a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney in Tucson, Arizona.
The chapter 13 bankruptcy plan must be approved by the Bankruptcy Court and place your unsecured creditors in at least as good of a position as they would be in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
In some circumstances, a Chapter 13 can be used to strip a second mortgage from your home if the first mortgage exceeds the current value of your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy can also be a valuable assistance in pausing your student loan payments and in stopping the repossession of a vehicle.
In order to determine if a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is right for you, please contact My AZ lawyers, PLLC. Our experienced Tucson bankruptcy lawyers will assist you in choosing the best chapter of bankruptcy for you to file and advise you as to all of your debt relief options. We offer Free Consultations (Either in Office or by Phone — Your Choice!). Contact our Tucson bankruptcy law office now!
Our bankruptcy attorneys serving Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley, and Pima County can assist you when filing a Tucson chapter 7 bankruptcy is necessary by an individual, couple, or business in Tucson, Arizona. Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy results in a liquidation of assets and clearing of debts. This type of bankruptcy requires that certain financial qualifications be met and may not be for everyone. The main factor when considering to file chapter 7 bankruptcy in Tucson is an individual’s disposable income and how much money will be generated by an the individual, or spouses, over a 5-year period.
If you or someone you know in the Pima County, Tucson, or surrounding communities is overwhelmed by the burden of debt, it is highly recommended that you consult a Tucson bankruptcy attorney from the Tucson based bankruptcy law firm of My AZ Lawyers, PLLC. Our low cost and trusted bankruptcy law firm can help you figure out what your best option is based on your particular circumstances and current financial situation. As previously mentioned, you must meet certain financial criteria to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in Tucson. If you don’t qualify for Tucson chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are other debt relief options.
With the poor Arizona economy, especially in Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley, and Pima County, Arizona; coupled with the rock bottom housing market and increasing unemployment rates, bankruptcy filing numbers are near or at all-time highs. The most common type of bankruptcy filed by residents in Tucson is a Tucson Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A Tucson Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is primarily an option for people with lower incomes who find themselves struggling with insurmountable debt. If you are considering filing a Tucson Chapter 7 bankruptcy, please consult an experienced Tucson bankruptcy attorney now.
Mesa Bankruptcy Lawyers
4065 E University Dr #500
Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 470-0005
Blog – Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney