The truth is that it is not your fault! Bankruptcy was established by law to provide debt relief to those who need it, and it is a valuable financial tool. Here are a few things you can do to move past the stigma and get over your guilt surrounding the idea of filing for bankruptcy:

It’s Not Your Fault! Dealing with Bankruptcy Guilt
Understand the Truth about Bankruptcy
There are many myths surrounding bankruptcy that can make you think negatively about it, but your bankruptcy lawyer can help you understand the truth about these myths.
Myth #1: Only irresponsible spending leads to bankruptcy. The truth is that there are a great number of situations that can lead to financial problems. You might lose a job unexpectedly and be unable to find employment. You can burn through your savings and max out your credit cards while you are trying to stay afloat. You could become seriously ill or injured and face the same predicament. Or you could divorce and lose a great deal of income. There are many things that can happen that are beyond your control that lead to bankruptcy.
Myth #2: Only the poor or uneducated file for bankruptcy. You can just look at the news to know that this isn’t true. High-profile billionaires like Donald Trump have filed for bankruptcy several times. Bad things can happen to anyone, regardless of education or status. It is not always bad choices that lead to bankruptcy.
Myth #3: Bankruptcy doesn’t affect a lot of people. In Arizona alone, more than 50,000 people file for bankruptcy every year. Many, many more are in situations that bankruptcy could help but are struggling not to file because of the misconceptions they have about the process.
By understanding the truth about bankruptcy, you can maintain the proper perspective about your filing and let go of that guilt.
Be Honest about How Your Finances are Affecting Your Situation
Many people put off filing for bankruptcy because they deceive themselves about their financial predicament. They believe that things aren’t that bad, or they tell themselves that they will have the situation under control “soon” by working harder or getting a loan.
When you are honest about your financial situation and how it is impacting your life, you can be objective about the choice to file bankruptcy and know that it is the best solution. You won’t feel guilty about making that choice because you’ll see that it is the best way to handle your finances and will provide the most benefits. You can liken it to taken medicine that you don’t like so that your body will heal.
Forgive Yourself for the Things You Cannot Control
Bad things happen to even the best people. You can’t control whether a tornado destroys your home and wipes out your savings or whether your spouse gets cancer and medical bills reach into the hundreds of thousands. Even with the best planning and the most fastidious of savings, you won’t be able to come through the other side of some of these situations unscathed.
Forgive yourself for the things that led to your situation that you cannot control, and let go of the guilt you feel. If bad decisions led to your bankruptcy filing, forgive yourself for those, as well. Learn from your mistakes and vow to make better decisions going forward.
Accept that Bankruptcy is a Legal Right
Filing for bankruptcy isn’t a way to game the system or “get one over” on your creditors. In fact, there are provisions built into the bankruptcy law to ensure that no one is able to spend prolifically with the idea of discharging it all in bankruptcy.
Accept bankruptcy for what it is: A legal right. The law was designed to protect people like you who are struggling. It is not social welfare — it is a legal way to get out from under crushing debts when you do not have the means to pay for them. That way, your life is not destroyed and you have the chance to start fresh.
Learn more about bankruptcy and how it might help you by calling My AZ Lawyers. Our experienced Tucson bankruptcy lawyers will help you understand the different types of bankruptcy and how each might help you get the debt relief you need. You may be able to completely discharge your unsecured debts, such as credit card balances, or you may be able to get a structured debt repayment plan with lower interest rates. Contact us today to talk with a bankruptcy lawyer and learn about your options.
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My AZ Lawyers
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